Italian Wine Denominations

This page is a supplement to our Ultimate Guide to the Best Italian Wine.


Introduction to Italian Wine Denominations

“Denomination” is how Italian wine type is identified on the label (“Asti DOCG” or ” Barbera d’Alba DOC”). In Italy, high-quality wines are produced according to tightly-specified rules of winemaking (colloquially called “wine laws”). There are three rule-based quality levels: DOC, DOCG, and IGT (or IGP, which is the same thing). As of 2021, there are 75 DOCGs, 333 DOCs and 118 IGTs in Italy [1].

DOC means Denominazione di origine controllata, and DOCG is Denominazione di origine controllata e garantita. Legally speaking, DOC and DOCG both belong to a single group DOP (Denominazione di origine protetta). But practically, rules for DOCG wines are much more stringent than for DOC. Because of that, DOCG wines are more valuable. IGT stands for Indicazione Geografica Tipica, and stretches over a given territory. IGT usually gives winemakers lots of flexibility in terms of which grapes they can use.

If you are interested in learning more about the difference between DOC, DOCG and IGT, read the “Introduction to quality levels of Italian wine” section of our Ultimate Guide.

High-quality DOP and IGT wines are very important for the Italian economy. In terms of litres of wine produced, Italy makes much more low-cost, generic vino than quality DOP wines. However, quality wines account for three quarters of the sector by value.

Italy Wine Production by Volume, 2019
Period: 2019. Source: ISMEA
Italy Wine Production by Value, 2019
Period: 2019. Source: ISMEA

The largest Italian wine denominations by production volume

On this page, you will find the most important Italian wine denominations. For each region, we have selected the largest denominations by their production volume. If you are interested in Italian wines, we hope you’ll find this information useful.

Key Wines of Piemonte

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Asti DOCGMoscato Bianco87,730,667
Barbera d’Ast DOCGBarbera20,073,200
Gavi o Cortese di Gavi DOCGCortese11,839,307
Barolo DOCGNebbiolo11,662,053
Barbera d’Alba DOCBarbera10,327,080
Dolcetto d’Alba DOCDolcetto5,255,347
Barbaresco DOCGNebbiolo3,834,853
Barbera del Monferrato DOCBarbera3,617,053
Nebbiolo d’Alba DOCNebbiolo2,295,280
Grignolino d’Asti DOCGrignolino1,098,287
* Here and in the below tables the number of 75cl bottles is an estimate based on 2018 production volume in hectolitres

Key Wines of Lombardia

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Bonarda dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOCCroatina19,351,733
Franciacorta DOCGChardonnay17,900,933
Lugana DOC (Lombardia)**Turbiana (Trebbiano di Soave)8,535,653
Valtellina Superiore DOCGNebbiolo1,659,427
Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico DOCGPinot Nero436,969
**Lugana is split between Lombardia and Veneto

Key Wines of Veneto

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Prosecco DOCGlera371,329,333
Conegliano-Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCGGlera88,499,333
Soave DOCGarganega47,238,533
Valpolicella DOCCorvina, Corvinone, Rondinella18,791,733
Amarone della Valpolicella DOCGCorvina, Corvinone, Rondinella13,537,200
Asolo-Prosecco DOCGGlera12,341,840
Lugana DOC (Veneto)*Turbiana (Trebbiano di Soave)8,535,600
**Lugana is split between Lombardia and Veneto

Key Wines of Alto Adige

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Alto Adige DOCSchiava7,281,185
Alto Adige DOCPinot Grigio6,701,512
Alto Adige DOCGewürztraminer4,650,431
Alto Adige DOCWeißburgunder (Pinot Bianco)4,510,497
Alto Adige DOCLagrein4,368,283
Alto Adige DOCPinot Noir3,181,063

Key Wines of Tuscany

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Chianti DOCGSangiovese91,308,667
Toscana IGTSangiovese80,594,800
Chianti Classico DOCGSangiovese33,595,733
Brunello di Montalcino DOCGSangiovese9,327,440
Bolgheri DOCSangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot6,440,533
Vino Noble de Montepulciano DOCGSangiovese6,065,147
Maremma Toscana DOCSangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot5,871,547
Rosso di Montalcino DOCSangiovese5,065,453

Key Wines of Marche

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOCVerdicchio Bianco17,191,200
Rosso Piceno / Piceno DOCMontepulciano6,080,147
Falerio DOCTrebbiano Toscano, Pecorino, Passerina2,780,387
Castelli di Jesi Verdicchio Riserva DOCGVerdicchio Bianco184,801

Key Wines of Abruzzo

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOCMontepulciano86,799,867
Trebbiano d’Abruzzo DOCTrebbiano Toscano,
Trebbiano Abrruzzese,
Bombino Bianco
Cerasuolo d’Abruzzo DOCMontepulciano8,040,467
Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Colline Teramane DOCGMontepulciano598,525

Key Wines of Umbria

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Orvieto DOCGRECHETTO B.10,376,133
Montefalco DOCSagrantino2,603,827
Montefalco Sagrantino DOCGSagrantino1,145,848

Key Wines of Campania

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Sannio DOCAglianico6,112,507
Falanghina del Sannio DOCFalanghina5,248,920
Greco di Tufo DOCGGreco3,293,827
Irpinia DOCAglianico2,270,987
Fiano di Avellino DOCGFiano1,894,093
Taurasi DOCGAglianico850,840

Key Wines of Puglia

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Salento IGTNegroamaro, Primitivo65,039,867
Primitivo di Manduria DOCPrimitivo19,622,933
Salice Salentino DOCNegroamaro8,089,653

Key Wines of Basilicata

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Aglianico del Vulture DOCAglianico2,205,867

Key Wines of Sardinia

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Vermentino di Sardegna DOCVermentino13,163,920
Cannonau di Sardegna DOCCannonau10,439,667
Vermentino di Gallura DOCGVermentino4,135,960
Monica di Sardegna DOCMonica1,893,333

Key Wines of Sicilia

Wine TypeMain GrapeProduction, 75 cl bottles*
Sicilia DOCNero d’AvolaGrillo, Catarratto Bianco77,393,467
Marsala DOCCarricante, Catarratto Bianco, Grillo6,671,107
Etna DOCCarricante, Catarratto Bianco3,601,347
Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCGCalabrese, Frappato809,461


* The number of 75cl bottles is an approximation, because some wine is sold in bulk or in other volumes, such as half-bottles or 1.5 litre magnums.

Production statistics for DOC, DOCG and IGT

Some regions of Italy produce more DOC, DOCG and IGT wines than others. Below, you can see the most productive Italian wine regions in terms of hectolitres produced each year.

Production of DOC, DOCG and IGT wine in Italy, 2019
RegionVolume in hectolitres%
Friuli-Venezia Giulia1,718,2206.99%
Alto Adige289,5881.18%
Valle d’Aosta12,6500.05%
Total, Italy24,592,728100%
Source: ISMEA [3]
Production for Alto Adige: Alto Adige DOC + Caldaro DOC
Production for Trentino: Trentino DOC + Trento DOC
Does not include Valdadige DOC shared between Veneto, Trentino and Alto Adige


1. Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali, Catalogo Nazionale Delle Varietà di vite

2. Confederazione Nazionale Dei Consorzi Volontari Per La Tutela Delle Denominazioni Dei Vini Italiani (FEDERDOC).

3. ISMEA Retevino DOP-IGP